The Risk of SPAM RISK
Caller ID has become a greater nuisance lately. We are seeing it and so are our clients. Several things are happening: Increased spam calls across the board, which led to…
Keep Reading...How long do computers last?
In our fast-paced world, your computer can be a drain on your productivity if it is not adequately supporting your needs. Here are a few things to know about the…
Keep Reading...Google and Yahoo’s email authentication requirements
Google and Yahoo! are implementing new guidelines for bulk email senders This goes into effect on February 1, 2024 There are three (3) aspects of bulk email sending that businesses…
Keep Reading...Ways Generative AI will Impact You Daily
Generative AI is a topic that is popping up in headlines frequently. Tools like ChatGPT are going to transform our jobs. But what about everyday life? The fact that AI…
Keep Reading...Good AI, Bad AI (& Us)
Artificial intelligence (AI) is gaining traction, especially generative AI, in businesses across many industries. General AI, also known as artificial general intelligence, broadly refers to the concept of computer systems…
Keep Reading...Call Center Tricking You to Download Ransomware
Beware of phishing emails claiming your free trial subscription is over and you must call a number to cancel or renew. Usually, the attack starts with phishing emails advising you…
Keep Reading...Top Keyboard Shortcuts
Top Keyboard Shortcuts You Should Know Courtesy of TechRepublic Every time you move your fingers from keyboard to mouse or trackpad, it’s time wasted. But there is a way to…
Keep Reading...100% remote work? Not even a remote chance
We’ve posted both sides of the remote workforce conversation over the past two years. Yes, there was a time that remote working was necessary (or even mandatory), but times have…
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