“Secure Our World” Actionable Items

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“It’s hard to believe that Cybersecurity Awareness Month has been going on for 20 years. If you think back 20 years…Facebook wasn’t around, YouTube was still years away, the first iPhone was still four years away,” reminisces Norman Adkins, a cybersecurity specialist based in Jacksonville, Florida.

These and other innovations have introduced new attack vectors, new platforms for data to be stolen from, and brought new people into the ecosystem. “Cybersecurity was in its infancy two decades ago. 100 years from now, we’ll probably look back and say that in 2023, we were still in cybersecurity infancy. But compared to 2023, 2003 was essentially the Stone Age of cybersecurity,” Adkins says.

“Secure Our World”

Four key behaviors to adopt in your business to join the theme of this year’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Secure Our World

  1. Use strong passwords
  2. Turn on Multifactor Authentication (MFA)
  3. Recognize and report phishing
  4. Update your software

Do Something Actionable

Take steps for your business this Cybersecurity Awareness Month:

  • Schedule an annual cybercity audit
  • Run and maintain patching on all devices
  • Properly dispose of outdated computer equipment

These three items are all areas the CommWest can help you with. We know your business is important to you. That is why cybersecurity is vital to your business.

Additional Resource >> 2023 Cybersecurity Trends

Additional Resource >> SMBs Tips to Prevent Cyberattacks

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Source: https://smartermsp.com/cybersecurity-awareness-month-to-do-list

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