GRAND JUNCTION, November 15, 2018 – Charter Communications held a luncheon today to celebrate the recent launch of Spectrum Internet Gig, Spectrum Business Internet Gig, and Spectrum Mobile.
Spectrum Business Internet Gig brings high speed internet to local business to help them work faster than before.
Diane Schwenke says, “having as many of our small businesses have access to gigabyte service at an affordable price is something we hear resonate throughout the business community.”
Along with higher internet speeds for businesses, spectrum internet gig will allow a gigabyte of internet speed accessible from home, which will be great for those that work from home.
Diane says, “we have a lot of people that work from home, so having the access to gigabyte service in your home as well, is important for those individuals that are sole proprietors that are doing business around the world.”
The higher internet speeds at home can also be used for everyday internet tasks.
Diane says, “just in terms of an amenity as we all get more techy and we’re using more platforms to download movies, download games. everything we can do to build out that infrastructure makes us more attractive as a community.”
Spectrum Mobile was also launched which combines their LTE network and over 500,000 nationwide wi-fi hotspots. Having extremely high speed internet here in the Grand Valley will attract business to move here, as well as help the business that are already here compete with the businesses that already have this speed of internet. The higher internet speeds can also have a helpful effect on us here in the Grand Valley.
Diane says, “as businesses get these tools they operate more effectively, they operate more efficiently, they provide better customer service. Hopefully that means their business grows, and as their business grows that means we’ll have more job opportunities for everybody here.”