Going into 2023, cybersecurity is still topping the list of concerns. This comes as no surprise.
In the first half of 2022, there were:
- 2.8 billion worldwide malware attacks
- 236.1 million ransomware attacks
- By year end 2022, it is expected that six billion phishing attacks will have been launched
Here are eight top security threats that your business is likely to see in 2023.
1. Malware
Malware is malicious software that is injected into networks and systems with the intention of causing disruption to computers, servers, workstations and networks. Malware can extract confidential information, deny service and gain access to systems.
We use security software and firewalls to monitor and intercept malware before it gains entry to networks and systems, but malware bad actors continue to evolve ways to elude these defenses. That makes maintaining current updates to security software and firewalls essential.
2. Ransomware
Ransomware is a type of malware. It blocks access to a system or threatens to publish proprietary information. Ransomware perpetrators demand that their victim companies pay them cash ransoms to unlock systems or return information.
One step companies can take is to audit the security measures that their suppliers and vendors use to ensure that the end-to-end supply chain is secure.
3. Phishing
Almost everyone has received a suspicious email, or worse yet, an email that appears to be legitimate and from a trusted party but isn’t. This email trickery is known as phishing.
Phishing is a major threat to companies because it is easy for unsuspecting employees to open bogus emails and unleash viruses. Employee training on how to recognize phony emails, report them and never open them can really help. Work with your Technology Partner to ensure that sound email habits are taught.
ADDITIONAL RESOURCE – With email filtering, potentially harmful emails are automatically quarantined from the inbox. Additionally, all links are scanned before directing to the destination providing peace of mind to all email users.
4. IoT
In 2020, 61% of companies were using the Internet of Things (IoT), and this percentage only continues to increase. With the expansion of IoT, security risks also grow.
If your organization is looking for more guidance on IoT security, we are happy to discuss strategy and provide tips on what to look out for, and how to deal with threats.
5. Internal employees
Disgruntled employees can sabotage networks or make off with intellectual property and proprietary information, and employees who practice poor security habits can inadvertently share passwords and leave equipment unprotected. This is why there has been an uptick in the number of companies that use social engineering audits to check how well employee security policies and procedures are working. In 2023, social engineering audits will continue to be used so your business can check the robustness of its workforce security policies and practices.
ADDITIONAL RESOURCE – Organizations sometimes fail to consider the true risks that insiders pose to their cybersecurity. Yet, internal risks are every bit as dangerous and damaging as external ones, even if there is no malicious intent.
6. Data poisoning
An IBM 2022 study found that 35% of companies were using AI in their business and 42% were exploring it. Artificial intelligence (AI) is going to open up new possibilities for companies in every industry. Unfortunately, the bad actors know this, too.
Cases of data poisoning in AI systems have started to appear. In a data poisoning, a malicious actor finds a way to inject corrupted data into an AI system that will skew the results of an AI inquiry, potentially returning an AI result to company decision-makers that is false.
Data poisoning is a new attack vector into corporate systems. One way to protect against it is to continuously monitor your AI results. If you suddenly see a system trending significantly away from what it has revealed in the past, it’s time to look at the integrity of the data.
7. New technology
Organizations are adopting new technology like biometrics. These technologies yield enormous benefits, but they also introduce new security risks.
When considering new technology, work with your technology partner to vet the new technology and vendor before implementing it.
8. Multi-layer security
How much security is enough? If you’ve firewalled your network, installed security monitoring and interception software, secured your servers, issued multi-factor identification sign-ons to employees and implemented data encryption, but you forgot to lock physical facilities containing servers or to install the latest security updates on smartphones, are you covered?
Adequately protect all aspects of your business by layering your cybersecurity – End-Point, Network, and Penetration. Contact our team to get started.